vrijdag 18 februari 2011

Command, This is red one. Come in, over.

Anyone noticed i use Helvetica? it rocks. Helvetica FTW.

Today was pretty awesome.
when  i drove into my schools street, i could already hear music.
Not just music. The prodigy.
So i sped up a bit, parked my bike somewhere against a wall,
walked around the corner, and then i saw it.
Mass-fucking-rave. \o/
First lesson we got after that, was IT (or whatever it is. Where you learn how to work a PC or something). (fucking LOVE it <3)
After that we were supposed to have french, but, Recreation was 30 minutes instead of 10.
Which means we got to skip french. Hell yes. (No offense to our teacher. But. Fuck french.)(actually, fuck school in general)
Wish i could show you all how crazy this day was. but i didnt have my camera with me.
will look for some video of it, I saw a guy running around with a big-ass camera
I'll update this post when i find something.
                                                                        See ya at the next post~

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